Crimson Syndicate
Date Owner Player Action
04.06.2024 21:03 [T4L]nNesTy [T4L]nNesTy Left the clan
02.06.2024 21:19 W4RST3iN W4RST3iN Left the clan
02.06.2024 20:02 [PW]AndreiPeCal [PW]AndreiPeCal Left the clan
02.06.2024 19:15 Boltarul[AK47] Boltarul[AK47] Left the clan
02.06.2024 17:56 [NEW16]eTc [NEW16]eTc Left the clan
02.06.2024 17:54 vally[VIP] vally[VIP] Left the clan
02.06.2024 15:03 .xGabi.[VIP] .xGabi.[VIP] Left the clan
01.06.2024 22:25 vally[VIP] [PW]AndreiPeCal Joined the clan
01.06.2024 21:12 [NEW16]eTc W4RST3iN Joined the clan
01.06.2024 19:34 [NEW16]eTc Boltarul[AK47] Joined the clan
01.06.2024 19:26 [NEW16]eTc .xGabi.[VIP] Joined the clan
01.06.2024 19:11 [CS]GoLd.eXe [NEW16]eTc Got rank 6
01.06.2024 18:56 [CS]GoLd.eXe [CS]SUPER_ED Joined the clan
01.06.2024 18:39 [CS]GoLd.eXe [YKZ]IonutDauCuDeagle Left the clan
01.06.2024 18:36 [NEW16]eTc [YKZ]IonutDauCuDeagle Joined the clan